Welcome to 95Bravos.com
We offer gifts for those whose Army MOS began with a "95" identifier, but we welcome those with "31" as well.
About 95Bravos.com

My name is Dennis Walters and I am the US Army veteran behind 95Bravos.com. I joined the US Army as a 95B in 1988 and attended Military Police OSUT at Fort McClellan, AL with A Company, 795th MP BN from Aug 1988-Dec 1988. I was then assigned to a NATO nuclear storage site to provide physical security with the 558th MP Company. During my time with this unit, I saw the Berlin Wall fall in 1989 and saw Operation Desert Shield/Storm take place.
Time to PCS to Ft. Meade. Once they found out I was single, I was immediately re-routed to Ft AP Hill, VA which was the largest training area on the East Coast and it served all branches. This was "Garrison Duty" or LEO/Patrol duty.
Time to ETS as an RIF was in effect and the Army wasn't interested in retaining soldiers after the Gulf War build up.
Fast forward to now - my family enjoys being makers and crafters. We enjoy making these special items for you and your loved ones. Please let us know if there is something custom that you need or if we need to add some missed units or designs to our offerings.